Proud Partners
Partnering With Our Community
Continental Currency Exchange is dedicated to making the communities we serve a better place. However, while the best exchange rates are a great start, there’s still much more work to do! We are proud to partner with a variety of organizations that make meaningful differences in our society. More are added all the time. If we missed your Continental sponsorship, please contact us at info@continentalcurrency.ca!OUR PARTNERS
- Currency For Kids
- Collectively Currency for Kids helps to support over 25,000 children and youth. Continental puts out the Currency for Kids collection containers at all of our 19 locations to raise funds for a great cause – we’ll even accept your foreign change for donation!
- Relay for Life
- Our Sudbury team has participated in Relay for Life at Laurentian University. The annual event aims to raise money for cancer research and acts as a celebration of life for cancer survivors, victims, and their families.
- Rotary Wheels for Learning
- Rotary Wheels for Learning (RWFL) is a bicycle distribution program that aims to give bikes to kids in order to help them get to school. In Cambodia, some students walk 5-7 kilometers just to get to school! RWFL helps keep students in school by removing the barrier of distance. RWFL is an international humanitarian effort.
For more information about our proud partners and sponsorships,
call or visit one of our branches!