
Foreign Currency Converter

Compare and Convert
Foreign Currencies Instantly

Convert currencies using one of the two methods below. For in-branch rates, you can contact your nearest Continental location. We also offer a free foreign currency converter to compare, convert and exchange between currencies instantly below. Please note that the rates shown in the currency converter DO NOT reflect the rates available at time of purchase in-branch. For more information, please see section #2.

1. In-Branch Rate:

To determine the exchange rate of your favourite currency in one of our 19 branches across Ontario, you can contact your nearest location by phone. Note that rates fluctuate throughout the day. In addition, all branches compete locally so there will likely be discrepancies between locations. Of course, Continental Currency Exchange offers a ‘Best Rate Guarantee’, which means that if you find a better rate in our local area that we can verify, we’ll beat it! Click the button below to find your nearest branch and see what the rates are now

2. Check the Mid-Rate/Approximation

If you just want a general idea of how a certain currency is faring, you can use the converter below. Please note that the rates displayed DO NOT reflect what is available in-branch. Instead, it simply shows the “mid-rate” which is the average of approximate buy and sell rates. These are not available at Continental Currency Exchange or at any foreign exchange retailer and are only meant to give you a general idea of what a currency is worth.